by katheryn Langelier February 02, 2021
Family: Magnoliaceae
Part used: Berries
Energetics: Pungent, bitter, sour, salty, sweet, warm, dry
Actions: Adaptogen, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, astringent, hepatoprotective, immune amphoteric, nervine, nootropic
Schisandra is a great herb for supporting and protecting the liver, blood and circulation. This is a great herb for vitality, rejuvenation and to increase energy. It makes a great brain tonic and I like to use if for clarity and concentration. This is a plant that grows in Maine. We don’t have schisandra vines on the farm yet, but will this coming season! We use the berries to make tinctures, syrups and vinegars. The berries can be pretty intense in flavor. They carry all five tastes, although I’ll say that I never get beyond the sour, bitter, pungent flavor.
Contraindications: May possibly cause digestive upset; avoid use if on blood-thinning medications such as Warfarin.
by katheryn Langelier March 10, 2021
by katheryn Langelier March 10, 2021
by katheryn Langelier March 09, 2021