December 21, 2023
The Winter Solstice is a wonderful time to make a festive herbal drink! The presentation on these will have you wanting to dive on in, and the flavor from our Elderberry Mushroom + Roots Elixir mixed with sparkling wine, frozen cranberries, and fresh rosemary is DELICIOUS!
1 cup fresh cranberries
1.5 cups water
1 fresh sprig of rosemary
6 oz sparkling wine
2 droppers full of Elderberry Mushroom + Roots Elixir
Pour cranberries and water into a freezer safe bowl shaped glass. Place a sprig of rosemary in the middle of the cranberries so that it stays vertical and freeze the whole glass overnight. Add a full dropper of Elderberry Mushroom + Roots Elixir and pour the sparkling wine to the top of the rosemary. As the ice melts, the flavors will release and the snow globe will flourish!
For a tasty non-alcoholic version try subbing out the sparkling wine for sparkling water, and the Elixir for our Elderberry Tonic. Cheers!
January 25, 2024
August 16, 2023
August 10, 2023
Give your hummus a pretty pink makeover by adding roasted beets and our nourishing Energy Tonic! This vibrant crowd pleaser is easy to make with a food processor and keeps in the fridge for up to a week. Have fun playing with toppings!